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Backpacks For Girls

Aug 7

And just like that, we’re officially getting ready for back to school in the Kinney household! We had a wonderful Summer full of sun and sunscreen, but like so many other parents I’m starting to get a bit tired. Anyone else? Anyone? So kick your feet up because I’ve made it super easy for you to grab a backpack for your little that is full of color and personality so they can start their new adventure off on the right foot. Here’s a fun edit for the little girls in your life and next up is for the boys!


STATE Bags are incredibly high quality and come in a range of sizes so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. I may just grab this one for myself.

Bari Lynn Backpack

Your little will stand out from the crowd in this adorable floral pattern that is both stylish and practical.

Wings Backpack

These superhero wings are the best! This style only comes in a mini version which would be good for a little but if you have an older girl this bow and dino style are just as cute.

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Backpacks for Boys

And Remember…

And in case you need to hear it today, here is what I know to be true about you right now:

You are ENOUGH. You BELONG. You are LOVED.

xo, Claire

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